2006 March First contacts made to the village through David Kateregga and Richard Mulondo 2006 May First meetings with the village, community based organisation CBO established. Terms, budgets and time plans agreed for the one year cooperation deal between Kristian von Hornsleth and The Village Opionion Leaders. Henry Kayondo is appointed project manager. Strategy for name change procedure planned with local lawyers as well as action plan. 2006 June Name change process with documents etc, issue of ID Cards by Mukono District Official, purchase and delivering of live stock animals, photographing of villagers, documentary film production, final delivery party ceremony in the village. 2006 October Photos, documentary film and book ready 2006 November Opening of the show in Copenhagen and presentation of the book 2007 July The one year live stock animal agreement expires, The Hornsleth Village project is taken over by the villagers themselves according to agreement with the villagers 2008 May Testimonials collected from project partner Richard Hornsleth Mulondo describing the situation and experinces from the project. |